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Thursday, October 1, 2009

Software as a Service

When you are so used to something that works really good for you, there really is no reason to look for new things out there, right? :)
Some like me would probably agree!
I don't think at this point it would be a good idea to create software that would beat Microsoft Office products. Everyone is so used to them and using anything else would be difficult to get used to!
I looked at Zoho and Google Docs tonight and do realize that there are some formatting features exist in Zoho for instance, that make life easier compared to using excel. I like how there are images in fields too in Google Docs !

Zoho or Google Docs? Both offer completely browser-based office applications like a word processor and spreadsheet, as well as communication tools like chat and email, as well as collaboration tools like project managers and wikis. In Zoho Spreadsheets are also relatively much better than Google spreadsheets with a lot of options.
I think that Zoho has more features than Google's offerings, but individual users are more likely to explore Google apps because they've already got a Google account for Gmail.

Something cool to keep in mind about both of these applications is that they don't require you to install anything on your computer except your web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox etc.) All you need is an internet connection, and your browser!!!

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